Solidarity Doesn’t Stop at the State Line
Red state Americans are worth saving. I can’t believe I have to explain this.
Mitch McConell did an interview about the COVID crisis last week. When asked about how states that have been hit the hardest should solve their upcoming COVID-indused fiscal crises, he responded: “I would certainly be in favor of allowing states to use the bankruptcy route. It saves some cities…” He even went so far as to add to this point in a later on in a statement that “we’re not going to let them take advantage of this pandemic to solve a lot of problems that they created for themselves, and bad decisions they made in the past.”
This response, of course, is ghoulish. But it isn’t what this piece is about. Instead, it’s about how loads of Democrats and “#Resistance” people have responded to it in an even more ghoulish manner. Instead of building solidarity across larger areas to get representatives and policies in place to alleviate suffering, the response has largely been “no u the taker”.
Former US Attorney, and forever guy who is loved because he doesn’t like Trump despite having a sketchy prosecutorial background, Preet Bharara joined in on this action in some of the loudest manner. Initially tweeting “I too, am sick and tired of subsidizing Kentucky”.
When called out on this by such figures as Bernie researcher Tyson Brody, or writer Skylar Baker-Jordan, he doubled down. He retweeted Tyson asking if they were a McConnell donor. When Skylar pointed out that “if we didn’t subsidize [Kentucky] good people would suffer”, Preet responded “I’m as magnanimous as ever, but if Kentucky’s most powerful politician will callously deny New York in its’ direst hour of need, then there needs to be severe calibration. Severe.” The entire thread is just incredible as Preet digs in his toes.
Preet, and the overwhelming agreement with his statements from Democrats highlights how much unity and solidarity is forgotten about when it comes to those from red states. It hasn’t just been Kentucky, but states like Georgia and Florida as well. The thought has been “well, they elected these people so they deserve their governance.” But that just simply isn’t true. No matter how people participated in electoral politics, it’s our duty to help alleviate the suffering of others. Whenever we think of these states, especially ones with a vast history of disenfranchisement and voter suppression, we can’t just write their citizen’s off.
Our work for liberation and the faces at the bottom of the well doesn’t stop at a state line.
Even if statements like Preet’s, or Democratic Senator from Connecticut Chris Murphy’s aren’t supposed to be taken at face value like they have indicated, they largely miss the mark. Pointing out hypocrisy has never worked when combating facist’s policies. If it did, Trump would have resigned the moment he realized we could all search his past tweets. Instead, we have to continue advocating for change and progressive policies so that people can be helped.
Beyond the moral imperative, it highlights how the Democrats will clutch defeat from the jaws of victory. These kinds of statements showcase to the proverbial conservative leaning independent (aka the reason we should have all supported Biden during the primary), that Dems don’t give a shit about them, further cementing GOPs power. You want to get rid of Mitch McConnell? How is Rep. Charles Booker or Amy McGrath supposed to defend Democrats and unseat him if these fucking immoral statements continue?
But of course, Orange Man and his enablers bad, and Medicaid cutters like Gov. Cuomo good, because they are the “makers”.